Our Programs

Arise Up

Poverty remains a persistent challenge for many communities. However, it is through the resilience, determination, and hope of the people that a brighter future can be envisioned.
We believe in the power of sustainable solutions that help individuals create their own opportunities according to their visions and passions. We work towards reducing poverty by providing training, financing upskilling projects, and promoting enterprise development of the local communities and marginalized populations.

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Arise vert

Building futures resilient to climate change With the ever-growing threat of climate change, it is crucial that we work together to ensure the well-being of current and future generations. Our ARISE VERT program is dedicated to empowering communities with the tools and resources needed to thrive in the face of environmental challenges.

We support initiatives that help communities, industries, and governments to increase their ability to mitigate climate change, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and promote environmental sustainability.

Arise Care

Of all the blessings bestowed upon us, none are more precious than good health and a well-rounded education. They are the cornerstones of a happy and prosperous existence, and the keystones to a fulfilling and satisfying life.
With our ARISE CARE program, we invest in projects that improve access to education and address critical health issues in communities. We aim to bring hope and empower the next generation by providing access to essential health services and quality education.